How long does it take to resolve a will dispute?
How long does it take to resolve a will dispute? You may have read about the long-running case of Ilot v Mitson which involved a dispute about a will in which a woman left her estate to animal charities rather than to her estranged daughter. The legal process took over 10 years, from the first court decision, to the final decision earlier in 2017 from the Supreme Court. While it’s unlikely to take 10 years, any legal action can take a long time, so it’s worth bearing in mind how long it can take to resolve a will dispute.
Are there any time limits?
Different types of legal action have different time limits. You may be aware of this from other types of legal action you may have been involved in – for example a claim for personal injury. If you are bringing a claim under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975, you have 6 months from the date of the grant of probate to start your claim. If you are bringing a claim challenging the validity of a will (and not a claim under the 1975 Act) there is no time limit. However, the longer you leave it, the harder it may be to gather good evidence to support your case.
Do I launch straight into a court process?
Assuming that you bring your claim within 6 months of the grant of probate (whatever type of claim you are bringing), it is likely that there will be a certain amount of preparation and discussion before you get close to a court. It may be possible to resolve your dispute relatively quickly through an exchange of correspondence and a process of ‘disclosure’ with solicitors representing ‘the other side’: this may be the executors of the will, the other beneficiaries under the will, or a combination. This process has the benefit of allowing both sides to consider the evidence and to take decisions based on all the facts, potentially helping to resolve a will dispute more quickly. Even if it does not allow for a successful conclusion of the dispute at that stage, it may well open the way for Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Can Alternative Dispute Resolution speed things up?
Alternative Dispute Resolution including Mediation can offer a number of benefits to those involved in a will dispute, not least the fact that it can result in a swifter conclusion of the matter. Mediation is something we use regularly, and you can read more about mediation, and its role in a will dispute, here. Rather than waiting for court time, the people involved in the will dispute agree to appoint a mediator, and set up the mediation themselves. You can use mediation at any stage before reaching trial, so even if initial attempts to mediate fail, it may be possible to conclude proceedings through mediation at a later stage, still saving time.
Does using ADR delay things?
If you have started court proceedings, these will continue to unfold regardless of whether you are attempting to seek a mediated conclusion to the proceedings. The court’s timetable is inevitably slower than any timetable of negotiation and/or mediation – and should you reach a conclusion through ADR, the court proceedings can then be withdrawn.
If I can’t mediate – or the other side won’t – how long am I looking at?
It can take a year or more to get to an initial hearing in court. As those involved in Ilot v Mitson – and others – have found, this is not always the end of things. Should one side decide to appeal a decision, the will dispute can continue for some time, first to the Court of Appeal, then to the Supreme Court – although this is the exception rather than the rule, and means there is an important point of law involved in the case.
Highlighting the potential length of time it may take to resolve a will dispute is not intended to put you off. However, it’s important to be realistic about how long it may take – and how long it will be before you can move on. Get in touch with us to discuss your situation and the details of the will dispute you are considering. We offer a free claim assessment , and will be able to give you a better idea of how long things may take once we have reviewed the facts of your case.