How Do You Know When Probate Is Granted

How Do You Know When Probate Is Granted?

When a person dies, they usually leave a will instructing an estate executioner on how to carry out their final wishes regarding their estate. Beneficiaries and other parties of interest may respect and agree on the choice of an executioner, and the process proceeds smoothly. Alternatively, some may disagree, and a fight over the estate ensues. Either way, nothing can be done about the estate until there is a grant of probate. This begs the question; how do you know when probate is granted? Let us look into the matter and see what options are available.

What is a grant of probate?

Probate is the legal right to make decisions concerning a deceased’s estate, which includes their money, property, and possessions. It is carrying out a person’s wishes as stated in their will or as you see fit if there is no will. Grant of probate is the legal recognition and passing of such authority.

Grant of Probate is issued by the Probate Registry and marks the beginning of any activities regarding a deceased’s estate. The date of said grant is also vital for anyone challenging the appointment of the executioner, their appointed share of the estate, their disagreement with the inclusion of other parties as beneficiaries, or any other grievances a person might have regarding the estate. Therefore, it is important to answer the question; how do you know when probate is granted?

How do you know when probate is granted?

You need to do a probate search on the government website dedicated to probate searches. All you need to do is submit the deceased’s last name, first name, and year of death. For a small fee, you can also ask for a copy of the records and the will if available.

If the person passed away recently, it’s likely probate hasn’t been granted yet. In this case, you can order a standing search, and for a small fee, you can have the grant of probate information relayed once it is finalized.

You may also search for probate records by post by filling the PA1S form. Searching by post allows you to request those documents at a cost.

If you need those records urgently, you can arrange a face-to-face appointment at your local Probate Registry. You should find one easily at the government offices, depending on your location.

Contesting wills

If you intend to contest a will, you must gather this information as soon as possible. Remember, other parties of interest will do the same, giving them an upper hand if you delay. Ensure you also get sound legal advice from a solicitor with expertise and experience in this field. Aligning with the right experts will increase your chances of success while making the process as painless as possible.


When deliberating the fairness of a will or contemplating the fate of a deceased person’s estate, time is of the essence. If you need help finding out when probate is granted and insights into your next best course, contact us today for a free claim assessment.
