testamentary capacity is one way to challenge a will - make sure you consider these 5 points

Removing an Executor in a Will Contest Claim (Before a Grant of Probate)


Here is the scenario. There is no Will and one of the potential beneficiaries who is also a potential Executor owns a property jointly with the deceased and by that joint ownership is entitled to 50% of the proceeds of the property with the remaining 50% falling into the estate to be divided amongst a number of beneficiaries. Alternatively there is a Will and one of the Executors who again is a potential beneficiary owns a property jointly with the deceased. This person is highly manipulative and is clearly trying to avoid the administration of the estate, perhaps because he is alleging that he should get the property outright since he is living in it; alternatively renting it and pocketing the entirety of the income; or possibly because he says he has spent significant amounts of his own cash refurbishing it and thereby owns or is entitled to a greater share. Whatever the scenario one can see that straight away his interests are conflicting with his role as Executor (which requires neutrality so far as the administration of the estate is concerned) and moreover, he may not be inclined to administer the estate at all (by selling the property and dividing up its proceeds amongst the beneficiaries).

What can be done to administer the estate in this type of Will conflict?
Clearly the Executor who is also the joint owner of the property forming a part of the estate has to be removed. There are two types of procedure.
Firstly rule 27(6) of the Non Contentious Probate Rules 1987. Secondly section 116 of the Senior Courts Act 1981.

Let’s have a look at each one.
Rule 27(6) of the Non Contentious Probate Rules 1987
Here is the link for this part of the Non Contentious Probate Rules 1987.

This is what it says:

(6) A dispute between persons entitled to a grant in the same degree shall be brought by summons before a registrar.
So, a Summons must be issued in the Probate Registry and the facts of the matter clearly set out in an Affidavit supporting the summons. A District Registrar in the Probate Registry will be asked to decide. In this instance the potential Executor who is also a joint owner of property forming a part of the estate is on ‘both sides’ of this dispute, i.e. acting both as administrator of the intestate estate and as beneficiary in intestacy, where there is an issue about the existence or extent of his asserted beneficial interest. There is case law suggesting he cannot properly perform his functions as Executor in this scenario and therefore that he should be overlooked as Executor. For instance, Budd v Silver (1813) 161 E.R. 1094; 2 Phill. 115 and Re Carr (1867) L.R. 1 P. & D. 291 which are cited in Williams, Sunnucks & Mortimer at 26-26.

However one needs to be alive to the fact that the court’s discretion is broad in this area, and when dealing with the application, the court may determine that an entirely independent, neutral, administrator should be appointed.

Section 116 Senior Courts Act 1981

Here is the link for this.

This is what it says:

Power of court to pass over prior claims to grant. (1)If by reason of any special circumstances it appears to the High Court to be necessary or expedient to appoint as administrator some person other than the person who, but for this section, would in accordance with probate rules have been entitled to the grant, the court may in its discretion appoint as administrator such person as it thinks expedient. (2)Any grant of administration under this section may be limited in any way the court thinks fit.

Under this section, where necessary or expedient, the court may pass over an administrator who is otherwise entitled to a grant where there are special circumstances; and in its discretion, appoint such person as administrator as the court thinks expedient. The bar to establish special circumstances is high.

If you consider that any of these facts and matters are likely to apply to you, then please do not hesitate to contact us for a confidential no strings chat.
